Saturday, March 14, 2009

Tax Returns or Tax Problems are Mike Montano's Specialty

Is the IRS on your back? Did you kind of forget to file your taxes in 2008? '07? '06? '05?!?! Or maybe you were a little short of cash and now with penalties and interest on top of the payments you couldn't make at $15,000 or more, your Uncle Sam is calling you and sending you letters about paying up!

Or maybe you always file and always pay, but this year things are a bit more complicated or you're tired of using a bookkeeper to do figure out how much you owe.

You need a solid professional tax specialist to help you through this. Demetriou, Montano, & Associates have been serving Los Angeles and Orange County since 1989. With offices in Santa Monica and Newport Beach, they are able to provide you with personalized service no matter what your situation is with the IRS.

Mike Montano spent the first part of his career with the IRS fighting on the side of the government, trying to increase the national treasury. But now he has joined the side of the citizens with insider knowledge of the methods that the IRS uses to maximize their take at your expense. He can help you to take all the legitimate deductions that you have coming. He can help you stop the phone calls and letters if you've gotten behind on filing or paying. He can negotiate with the IRS to reduce what you owe or at least set up a reasonable payment plan for pay back. He can even get liens and levy's lifted.

Mike provided these incites at a recent LeTip breakfast meeting, which were recorded for YouTube.

If you need some of what Mike has to offer, you can reach him at 310-581-2900. His brand new website is up with plenty of additional information about how he can provide you with tax help. Or, email him at

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